Align KX022005A T-REX 100X Super Combo

Align KX022005A T-REX 100X Super Combo

Align KX022005A T-REX 100X Super Combo

Rating :Align KX022005A T-REX 100X Super Combo

Price : $109.99

Buy Align KX022005A T-REX 100X Super Combo

Align KX022005A T-REX 100X Super Combo. You can compare and choose prices to offer You Here! Offers Today !!

Fun and easy flying characteristic has been the reason for T-Rex 100S’s unparallel popularity. To increase its performance even further, Aligh has improved upon the T-Rex 100S and introduces the brand new T-Rex 100X. To improve the flight stability and shorter learning curve, rotor head assembly features a new mounting method between rotor head and main shaft, and the surface area of flybar ......Read More...

Align KX022005A T-REX 100X Super Combo

Trex 100 is back with more features! Fun and easy flying characteristics has been the reason for T-Rex 100?s unparalleled popularity. To increase its performance even further, Align has improved upon the T-Rex 100S and introduces the brand new T-Rex 100X. To improve the flight stability and shorter learning curve, rotor head assembly features a new mounting method between rotor head and main......## Big SAVE ##

Align KX022005A T-REX 100X Super Combo

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Tags : Align, TREX, KX022005A, Super, 100X